Visualization of spatial and spatio-temporal objects in Google Earth

Documentation for package ‘plotKML’ version 0.5-8

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plotKML-package Visualization of Spatial and Spatio-temporal Objects in Google Earth

-- A --

aesthetics Plotting aesthetics parameters

-- B --

bargrid Baranja hill case study
barstr Baranja hill case study
barxyz Baranja hill case study
bigfoot Bigfoot reports (USA)

-- C --

check_projection Extracts the proj4 parameters and checks if the projection matches the referent CRS
col2kml Convert a color strings to the KML format
color_palettes Colour palettes for numeric variables
count.GridTopology Counts the number of occurrences of a list of vector object over a GridTopology

-- D --

display.pal Display a color palette

-- E --

eberg Ebergotzen - soil mapping case study
eberg_contours Ebergotzen - soil mapping case study
eberg_grid Ebergotzen - soil mapping case study
eberg_grid25 Ebergotzen - soil mapping case study
eberg_zones Ebergotzen - soil mapping case study
extractProjValue Extracts the proj4 parameters and checks if the projection matches the referent CRS

-- F --

fmd 2001 food-and-mouth epidemic, north Cumbria (UK)

-- G --

geopath Geopath - shortest trajectory line between two geographic locations
getCRS Methods to get the proj4 string
getCRS-method Methods to get the proj4 string
getCRS.Raster Methods to get the proj4 string
getCRS.Spatial Methods to get the proj4 string
GetNames A class for spatial metadata
GetNames-method A class for spatial metadata
GetPalette A class for spatial metadata
GetPalette-method A class for spatial metadata
getWikiMedia.ImageInfo Gets EXIF information
gpxbtour GPS log of a bike tour
grid2poly Converts a gridded map to a polygon map

-- H --

hex2kml Convert a color strings to the KML format
HRprec08 Daily precipitation for Croatia for year 2008
HRtemp08 Daily temperatures for Croatia for year 2008

-- K --

kml Write to a KML file
kml-method Write to a KML file
kml-methods Write to a KML file
kml.Spatial Write to a KML file
kml.tiles Write vector object as tiled KML
kml2hex Convert a color strings to the KML format
kml_aes Plotting aesthetics parameters
kml_alpha Write objects to a KML connection
kml_altitude Write objects to a KML connection
kml_altitude_mode Write objects to a KML connection
kml_close Open / close a KML file connection
kml_colour Write objects to a KML connection
kml_compress Compress a KML file with auxiliary files
kml_description Generate a table description from a data frame
kml_layer Write objects to a KML connection
kml_layer-method Write objects to a KML connection
kml_layer.Raster Writes raster objects to KML
kml_layer.RasterBrick Export a time series of images to KML
kml_layer.SoilProfileCollection Writes a list of soil profiles to KML
kml_layer.SpatialLines Writes spatial lines to KML
kml_layer.SpatialPhotoOverlay Exports objects of type SpatialPhotoOverlay to KML
kml_layer.SpatialPixels Writes SpatialPixels or SpatialGrid objects to KML
kml_layer.SpatialPoints Writes spatial points to KML
kml_layer.SpatialPolygons Writes spatial polygons to KML
kml_layer.STFDF Write irregular spatio-temporal observations (points, lines and polygons) to KML
kml_layer.STIDF Write irregular spatio-temporal observations (points, lines and polygons) to KML
kml_layer.STTDF Write a space-time trajectory to KML Generates a legend bar (PNG file)
kml_legend.whitening Whitening legend (PNG)
kml_metadata Add metadata table to the active layer
kml_metadata-method Add metadata table to the active layer
kml_open Open / close a KML file connection
kml_screen Add a screen overlay
kml_shape Write objects to a KML connection
kml_size Write objects to a KML connection
kml_View Open / close a KML file connection
kml_width Plotting aesthetics parameters

-- L --

LST Time series of MODIS LST images

-- M --

makeCOLLADA Generate a COLLADA file representing the 3D model of a rectangle
makeCOLLADA.rectangle Generate a COLLADA file representing the 3D model of a rectangle
metadata Methods to generate spatial metadata
metadata.env Methods to generate spatial metadata
metadata2SLD Methods to create a Styled Layer Description (*SLD*) file
metadata2SLD-method Methods to create a Styled Layer Description (*SLD*) file
metadata2SLD-methods Methods to create a Styled Layer Description (*SLD*) file
metadata2SLD.Spatial Methods to create a Styled Layer Description (*SLD*) file
metadata2SLD.SpatialPixels Writes a Styled Layer Description (*SLD*) file
munsell2kml Convert a color strings to the KML format

-- N --

normalizeFilename Normalize filename string
northcumbria Polygon boundary of north Cumbria

-- P --

parse_proj4 Extracts the proj4 parameters and checks if the projection matches the referent CRS
paths plotKML specific environmental variables / paths
plot-method A class for spatial predictions produced using 'gstat' package
plot.SpatialPredictions A class for spatial predictions produced using 'gstat' package
plotKML Methods for plotting results of spatial analysis in Google Earth
plotKML,RasterBrickSimulations A class for spatial simulations containing equiprobable gridded features
plotKML,RasterBrickTimeSeries A class for a time series of regular grids
plotKML,SpatialSamplingPattern A class for spatial samples produced using various 'spsample' methods
plotKML,SpatialVectorsSimulations A class for spatial simulations containing equiprobable line, point or polygon features
plotKML-method Methods for plotting results of spatial analysis in Google Earth
plotKML.env plotKML specific environmental variables / paths
plotKML.fileIO Write to a KML file
plotKML.GDALobj Write tiled objects to KML
plotKML.opts plotKML specific environmental variables / paths

-- R --

RasterBrick Export a time series of images to KML
RasterBrickSimulations-class A class for spatial simulations containing equiprobable gridded features
RasterBrickTimeSeries-class A class for a time series of regular grids
rasterize Convert points, lines and/or polygons to rasters
RasterLayer Writes raster objects to KML
read.metadata Methods to generate spatial metadata
readGPX Import GPX (GPS track) files
readKML.GBIFdensity Imports GBIF cell density records
reproject Methods to reproject maps to a referent coordinate system (WGS84)
reproject-method Methods to reproject maps to a referent coordinate system (WGS84)
reproject.RasterBrick Methods to reproject maps to a referent coordinate system (WGS84)
reproject.RasterLayer Methods to reproject maps to a referent coordinate system (WGS84)
reproject.RasterStack Methods to reproject maps to a referent coordinate system (WGS84)
reproject.SpatialGrid Methods to reproject maps to a referent coordinate system (WGS84)
reproject.SpatialPoints Methods to reproject maps to a referent coordinate system (WGS84)
R_pal Colour palettes for numeric variables

-- S --

SAGA_pal Colour palettes for numeric variables
SoilProfileCollection Writes a list of soil profiles to KML
sp.palette-class A class for color palette
SpatialLines Writes spatial lines to KML
SpatialMaxEntOutput-class A class for outputs of analysis produced using the dismo package (MaxEnt)
SpatialMetadata-class A class for spatial metadata
SpatialPhotoOverlay Generate an object of class '"SpatialPhotoOverlay"'
SpatialPhotoOverlay-class A class for Spatial PhotoOverlay
SpatialPixels Writes SpatialPixels or SpatialGrid objects to KML
SpatialPoints Writes spatial points to KML
SpatialPolygons Writes spatial polygons to KML
SpatialPredictions-class A class for spatial predictions produced using 'gstat' package
SpatialSamplingPattern-class A class for spatial samples produced using various 'spsample' methods
SpatialVectorsSimulations-class A class for spatial simulations containing equiprobable line, point or polygon features
spMetadata Methods to generate spatial metadata
spMetadata-method Methods to generate spatial metadata
spMetadata.Raster Methods to generate spatial metadata
spMetadata.Spatial Methods to generate spatial metadata
spPhoto Generate an object of class '"SpatialPhotoOverlay"'
spPhoto,SpatialPhotoOverlay A class for Spatial PhotoOverlay
STIDF Write irregular spatio-temporal observations (points, lines and polygons) to KML
STTDF Write a space-time trajectory to KML
summary-method A class for spatial metadata

-- T --

trajectory GPS log of a bike tour

-- U --

USAWgrids Bigfoot reports (USA)

-- V --

vect2rast Convert points, lines and/or polygons to rasters
vect2rast-method Convert points, lines and/or polygons to rasters
vect2rast.SpatialLines Convert points, lines and/or polygons to rasters
vect2rast.SpatialPoints Converts points to rasters
vect2rast.SpatialPolygons Convert points, lines and/or polygons to rasters

-- W --

whitening whitening
worldgrids_pal Standard global color palettes for factor variables