HRprec08 {plotKML} | R Documentation |
The daily measurements of precipitation (rain gauges) for year 2008 kindly contributed by the Croatian National Meteorological Service. HRprec08
contains 175,059 measurements of precipitation sums (489 stations by 365 days).
The HRprec08
data frames contain the following columns:
name of the meteorological station
a numeric vector; x-coordiante / longitude in the WGS84 system
a numeric vector; y-coordinate / latitude in the WGS84 system
'Date' class vector
daily cummulative precipitation in mm (precipitation from the day before)
The precipitation estimates in mm (HRprec08
) are collected in a bottle within the rain gauge and readings are usually manual by an observer at 7 a.m. The precipitation collected in the morning refer to the precipitation for previous 24 hours. To project coordinates we suggest using the UTM zone 33N system as this coordinate system was used to prepare the gridded predictors.
Tomislav Hengl and Melita Percec Tadic
Testik, F.Y. and Gebremichael, M. Eds (2011) Rainfall: State of the Science. Geophysical monograph series, Vol. 191, 287 p.
Zaninovic K., Gajic-Capka, M., Percec Tadic, M. et al., (2010) Klimatski atlas Hrvatske / Climate atlas of Croatia 1961-1990., 1971-2000. Zagreb, Croatian National Meteorological Service, 200 p.
AGGM book datasets (
data(HRprec08) library(sp) ## Not run: # subset: prec.2008.05.01 <- HRprec08[HRprec08$DATE=="2008-05-01",] coordinates(prec.2008.05.01) <- ~Lon+Lat proj4string(prec.2008.05.01) <- CRS("+proj=lonlat +datum=WGS84") # write to KML: shape = "" data(SAGA_pal) kml(prec.2008.05.01, size = PREC, shape = shape, colour = PREC, colour_scale = SAGA_pal[[9]], labels = PREC) ## End(Not run)